computer problem


Chrono Cadet
My computer has 7.5 gigs of RAM memory, yet some programs i have recently installed will not open properly because they say i don't have enough RAM to run the program which only requires 8 to 16 mb's, I have vista, 64 bit OS, I have tried configuring maximum memory through boot in msconfig, Dxdiag sais 7250 megs of ram, But for some reason the program doesn't seem to recognize it,Computer seems to be running fine other wise, fast as usual. but for some reason the program sais i have 0 mb's of ram, Any one know how to make these programs recognize the amount of ram i have on my computer??

one is a video game, splinter cell conviction, which requires 2 GB, 25% of computers capacity, The other is video editing software which requires 2.6 GB, roughly 32% of computer capacity, The error message i get from the game tells me i have 0 MB virtual memory.
oh yeah, in case you dont know how to do that, right click my pc, go to properties, click advanced, go to performance settings, then change virtual memory settings.
Tried that already before i went through boot menu in msconfig, page file is at max (21852)

Also, All other memory is at max according to dxdiag
Also tried configuring compatibility settings and tried running in safe mode but keep getting the same error message, The programs recognize all other essentials such as processor, and video card but fails to recognize the RAM.
after doing some research, this seems to be related to vista. vista is the biggest piece of junk there is. i bought it, and quickly went back to xp.

anyways, there seems to be a really horrible fix to this. reduce your ram to 2gb and see if the game works. it should. all other people with this problem did this, and it worked fine.

if you are anything like me, you dont want to do that. in that case, i suggest reverting back to xp, or upgrading to windows 7.

sucks, i know. sorry man.

some links with users with the same problem.

web page

web page
Thx Darby,

The memory remapping feature configuration along with Driver compatibility issues seems to be the problem, Oh well, Thats Microsoft for ya.